
This blog is about making life simple. 

It is not just about having less stuff (although that’s certainly a part of it), it’s about making every aspect of life that little bit simpler – from running a household, to parenting, looking after yourself and getting that work-life balance. 

Life is not about being on a treadmill. It should be about spending time with the people you love and doing the things you love. By simplifying the areas of life that are less important you will have more time and energy to do the things you do care about. 

If this appeals to you, then you might like follow me on my journey. Each week I am setting a new challenge to simplify an aspect of my life. As I work on simplifying my life I hope I can inspire you to do the same. There is no final goal, just a readiness to adapt to a new way of living that is calmer, more mindful and ultimately more satisfying.



I live in Ontario, Canada with my husband and two children. I emigrated with my family to Canada in 2015, leaving behind the usual commitments modern life entails. It was this transition from life in one country to another that first ignited my interest in living a more simple life. On first arriving in Canada we managed without the things that we took for granted before. Instead of life feeling more complicated with fewer things (such as a vehicle), we actually felt life was easier freer. I have come to think that we can be burdened by too many possessions and commitments in our lives. I believe that life can be happier and more fulfilling by having less.

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